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부차적 결과

<0 painting>에서 그려진 그림들은 이미지가 가려진 체 파이프 구조물에 설치 되었다. 완성은 목적이 아닌 과정을 위한 수단이다. 그려진 그림들은 목적을 달성한 지점이 아닌 목적을 달성하고 난 뒤의 '부산물'이다.​


<By-product> is an installation work that exposes the side rather than the surface of <0 painting>. To me, completion is a means to a process, not a goal. ‘Painting’ is not a purpose but a means for ‘Painting’ as a verb and is a by-product of that.


By-product, mixed media, 152x116x66cm, 2023
Solo Show<Games without End>, JJ Joongjung Gallery

Because it will be gone soon_041.jpg
Because it will be gone soon_042.jpg

<By-product>, installation view, solo exhibition 'Because, it will be gone soon', Roy gallery, 2023

10. By-product, mixed media, 270x270x165cm, 2018.JPG

By-product, Mixed media, 270x270x165cm(Dimension Variable), 2018
Degree show in Royal College of Art


By-product, Mixed media, 260x140x70cm, 2019
Group Show 'Contact youth' Suchang youth mansion


By-product, mixed media, 270x170x250cm, 2019
Installation view,  Group Exhibition 'Metaphorically', Space-be Gallery in Seoul

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